I’m an Entrepreneur

We want to work with you!

Export Barbados (BIDC) is committed to sustainability and to fostering the development of competitive business enterprises in the areas where we see prospects and global market demand such as the Fintech industry, the Ocean Economy, the Design economy, and the Bio economy (particularly the biotechnology industry).

As an Export Barbados (BIDC) customer, you’ll have access to one-on-one support and services to suit your ideal business need. Get help from one of our highly trained business development officers.  

Exports, Global Logistics & Corporate Communications Officers

Modou Diagne
Senior Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 832-3889 | mdiagne@bidc.org

Coral Taylor
Senior Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3879 | ctaylor@bidc.org

Ryan Nurse
Senior Business Development Officer (iExport Programme)
Tel: (246) 836-3873 | rnurse@bidc.org

Sharon Walton
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3880 | swalton@bidc.org

Leslie Austin
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3886 | laustin@bidc.org

Denise Lawrence
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3892 | dlawrence@bidc.org

Trudy Joseph
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3812 | tjoseph@bidc.org

Sonia Johnson
Certification Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3900 | sjohnson@bidc.org

Innovation, Research and Development Officers

Design Industries
Karen Headley-Lucas
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3874 | kheadleylucas@bidc.org

Bio Industries
Glendon Ashby
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 832-3901 | gashby@bidc.org

Ocean Industries
Chauntel Thomas
Business Development Officer
Tel: (246) 836-3878 | cthomas@bidc.org